Artist Spotlight: Mukesh Singh

Hi everyone! I feel like it’s been forever since the last update. Incredible that  half a year has passed already . I’m sorry it took so long, I’ve been focusing on my high school finals for the past few months. Now that I’m done with that, it’s time to resume updating! Look forward to more features , an interview and lots of other fun things.


This month’s first featured artist is Mukesh Singh,  a prolific comic book artist who recently did a cover for Marvel comics [not pictured here].

Title: Convincing the hero


The artist has a fine sense of colour,  of which this is an excellent example. The amazing gradients in the fabric flowing out from the two central characters strongly reminds me of the rich colours in Renaissance paintings . Also note the lower figure’s armor, which is predominantly brown with a blue sheen, thus guiding our eye to  the top figure while at the same time being detailed enough to have your eyes linger for a bit.    The overall light-to-dark colouring, from top to bottom, is amazingly well done . I also like how the blue of the upper character’s skin pops out from everything else , but does not disrupt the flow , instead contrasting nicely with the red and orange which is definitely pleasing to the eye.

Title: Karna refuses 

mbx_vol_02_06_karna_refuses_by_nisachar-d56b702Look at that dizzying background! The lighting lends an aethereal feel to this image, strenghthened even more by the aforementioned background and the deep blacks and greys. This illustration demonstrates a great balance between exquisite detailing and more hazy , undefined parts.  Note the patterns at the right side of this illustration, giving the character’s surroundings an organic feel , almost like a forest . The character’s cloak seems to melt into the background as if he’s part of the organism that is the entire painting.

[note : the above two illustrations are part of a project called ‘18 Days’ , a reimagining of the Indian epic Mahabharata . You can find additional information on this project by clicking the link at the bottom of this post]

Title: Choclaty Laila


Undoubtedly a very sexy and beautiful character design. Note the texture of the suit,  excellently painted with reflections and highlights that make it feel almost realistic. I’d also like to point out the delicious linework , present in all of his illustrations, but , in my opinion, best seen here, particularly in the hair , face , and hands.

Title : Spear of Destiny (spotlight)
So much lush detail in this illustration! I love how the character on the right, dominating in solid black, forms a border of sorts within the illustration itself, lending extra dimension to what is already a stunning image.  Note the shades used on the female characters in the background which is enough to show us they belong to the same group , and yet the characters have enough detail to draw the eye in and , consecutively , upward to see what is going on.  The light , watercolour- y hues to the central character’s right (or left) give off the illusion of smoke , hightening the epic feel together with the lighting in the top left.


As always, I hope you enjoyed this review. There will be lots more to come, but for now , feast your eyes  Mukesh Singh’s awesome Gallery .